Welcome to my journal :) My fantasy land that full filled with my randomness.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Eternal Promise, Prove It Till The End.

Title     : The Eternal Promise, Prove It Till The End.
Author : Yuechara15
Cast     : Choi Min Ho (SHINee), Han Ra Young (citra's OC)
Rating : PG-13
Genre  : Romance, angst, drama
Type    : Oneshoot
Words : 2,061
Summary : ‘Hari dimana kau pergi. Di gerbang ini semua teman-temanmu mengantar kepergianmu dari sini……. Apakah kau akan kembali? Aku ingin melihatmu tersenyum lagi.’

A/N    : a request fic by Citra. Sorry for take this too long dear, yeah you know i am too lazy. Just enjoy this. COMMENTS ARE LOVES ♥

Di sebuah ruang kerja yang cukup besar dan dipenuhi buku-buku tebal yang tersusun rapi di rak-rak tinggi, seorang pria terlihat sedang mencari-cari sesuatu di sebuah rak yang terletak di pojok ruangan. Jemarinya dengan teliti mencari-cari sebuah judul buku di satu baris dan matanya dengan jeli memeriksa setiap judul buku yang tercetak.
                Tidak menemukan apa yang dicari, lelaki itu mulai mencari di baris rak berikutnya yang merupakan baris paling atas dari rak tersebut. Ia menjinjit untuk bisa melihat dan memeriksa buku-buku itu. Lelaki itu tersenyum lebar ketika ia menemukan buku yang dicarinya sejak tadi, ia pun menarik buku tebal itu keluar dari rak.
                Namun sesuatu ikut terjatuh ketika ia menarik benda tersebut, sebuah buku tebal bersampul kulit cokelat. Lelaki bernama Choi Min Ho itu pun memungut buku yang  terjatuh itu dan matanya terpaku. Ia terdiam, memandangi buku tersebut tanpa berkata sepatah katapun. Ia mengingat dengan jelas, ini adalah buku memori miliknya. MinHo menahan nafasnya, terasa berat baginya.. namun ia mulai membuka halaman pertama buku tersebut. Sebuah tulisan tangan yang tertera di halaman depan buku tersebut bertuliskan ‘Memories -  Choi Min Ho’.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Without Words

Title           : Without Words
Author       : Yuechara15
Type          : Drabble, Universe.
Rating       : PG-13
Genre        : Romance, angst.
Cast           : Cho Kyu Hyun (SJ) & Kim Soo Hyun (lisa's OC)
Words        : 726
Disclaimer : I own my plot, Cho KyuHyun is belong to SME and his parents, Kim SooHyun is lisa's.
Summary   : Day by day… week by week… month by month, already passed. SooHyun found herself more falling for KyuHyun. But.... (I'm sucks at summary, just skip it.)
A/N  : A request by Lisa, actually this is an English task by my teacher haha. I just changed the casts hehe :p How i should call this? hm, a sequel will be made soon (maybe =_=), but you can read this as a separated story :) enjoy this. Forgive me if there's any mistakes or grammatical error, i'm not so good at english. COMMENTS ARE LOVES
Thanks to my friend, Sidiq that helped me a lot on the grammar v__v

I want to be with you, I want to touch you more.
Always, this heart cannot be lied, can’t be fooled by my fake smiles.
It’s hurts, to see you right in front of me.
Smiling to me like I was the first person you had to share the happiness with.
But I know, it will disappear in a moment.
                SooHyun climbed the stairs this afternoon. She just went home, a little bit late than the usual days. She was right in front of her flat’s door, ready to unlock it when someone who lives next to her flat get out from his flat.
                “Oh, SooHyun-ah, have you just gotten home?” Asked him to her as he smiles.
                SooHyun smiled too, “Yes, I was asked to do something about tomorrow’s meeting by my boss. So, I came home a little bit late.”

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Oretachi no Seishun

I'm at school's lab now hahaha
this post is only a video of the live peformance of 'Oretachi no Seishun' which is a soundtrack of dorama Gokusen season 3 that starred Takaki and other juniors as well.

Enjoy Yuuyan, Yabu, to Hikaru singing to Oretachi no Seishun <3~
yuuyan was soooo skinny here >__< hahaha yuuyan ganbatte with your diet lol #slapped

Goodnight post~!

おやすみなさい みんなーさん :)

Kou-chan is my destiny (?) lol

okay, this randomness was started from Rizka's blog. I visit her blog a few hours ago and found a post about this. So i took it too, and here's my result lol.


I got Kou-chan as my partner aww~ he's my first love in HSJ btw haha :p But he's still one of my bias hehe.

I am LOL-ing over that takoyaki thing hahahaha, how can this machine know i really loves takoyaki to the death hahaha xD but rather than fight for it, maybe i will just give in to him or maybe we're goin' offering each other lol

And the "You reminds him of his mom." part is just sweet :) doesnt it means that he saw me as a person that he can rely at? hehe :)

Then the 'Marriage' relationship was the sweetest part *,* hahaha
Kou-chan is my groom, my husband aww~xD

But seriously the song is not suited to this condition lol Sakura Girl tells about breaking up right? lol

favorite scenes ♥ :')

click to enlarge the pics

Random quotes

"With Tegomasu, or with solo, where I go out by myself. I become independent and do activities, doing everything by myself as Tegoshi Yuya or as Tegomasu. But NEWS is like my home, when i return home i feel relieved." -Tegoshi Yuya